BooksFree respects the intellectual property of others

If your copyright-protected work was posted on BooksFree without your authorization, you can submit a copyright removal request to request that the content be removed. Submitting a copyright removal request is a legal process.

What to know before you submit a removal request
Copyright exceptions: You need to consider whether fair use, fair dealing, or a similar copyright exception applies. BooksFree may ask you to confirm you’ve made this consideration. If you do not adequately respond, the content identified in your removal request will not be removed from BooksFree. If a copyright exception applies, then the removal request you submit is considered invalid.

Personal info:

  • If the content is removed for copyright infringement, the name of the copyright owner will be visible on the page of the content.
  • If you give us a valid legal alternative, such as the name of a company or authorized representative, we’ll review it and apply it if appropriate.
  • The copyright owner name you enter will become part of the public record of your request.
  • Your full legal name is required to complete a copyright removal request. It may be shared with the uploader of the content removed for copyright infringement.
  • The primary email address from your removal request may be shared with the uploader of the content removed for copyright infringement.
  • Your physical address and phone number will remain confidential unless requested as part of a lawsuit. If BooksFree is required to share any information, we’ll notify you before doing so.

How to submit a copyright removal request
The fastest and simplest way to submit a copyright removal request is to fill out our web form. The copyright owner or agent authorized to act on the owner’s behalf should submit the request.

After you submit a removal request, BooksFree reviews it to make sure it’s valid and includes all the required information to comply with the law. You’ll get an email when we’ve taken action on your request.

If your request is missing information or if more detail is needed, be sure to respond to the email with the necessary information, so we can process your request. Keep in mind that the content may remain on BooksFree until we’ve received this information.

For example, you may be asked to:

Provide a more specific title for your copyrighted work
Submit evidence that you’re authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner you’re representing